3 Things You Need To Know About Getting An Overweight Permit For Your Vehicle

Posted on: 26 October 2020

Weight is one of the factors that determine the safety of a vehicle on the road. Weight determines the vehicle's center of gravity and stability, and also its momentum when it is moving. For instance, a small car whose weight is concentrated near the center of the road is generally more stable on the road than a large and heavy vehicle. On the other hand, a heavy vehicle is more likely to topple when turning a corner than a light vehicle. The momentum of a heavy vehicle when on the move makes it very hard to slow down in case of an emergency.

The traffic department has traffic rules and regulations, which ensure that vehicles do not exceed a certain weight limit. However, there are certain special circumstances under which you can be allowed to have a temporary overweight permit and move from one part of the country to another. Here are three things you should know about these permits. 

When is Your Vehicle Considered for an Overweight Permit?

Weight is the first criteria used to classify vehicles as being either within the weight limits or being overweight. Generally, any vehicle that weighs more than eighty thousand pounds is considered overweight. Similarly, a wide-load vehicle whose width goes beyond eight feet and six inches is overweight. If the length of the vehicle exceeds forty-eight feet, that vehicle is also overweight. Lastly, any vehicle whose height exceeds thirteen feet and six inches falls under this category.

The most important thing is to check your vehicle weight and dimensions before embarking on any journey. If it exceeds any of these limits, find a permit.

What Happens When You Drive Without a Permit?

Driving a vehicle rated as overweight without the proper permit is considered a traffic offense. You can get into a lot of legal trouble, especially if you end up causing an accident. If the traffic police flag you down, and they determine that your vehicle should not be on the road, they will either fine you or terminate your journey.

What Other Permits Might You Need with an Overweight vehicle?

Different states have their regulations about overweight vehicles. Some require you to obtain a temporary fuel permit while others like New York might ask for HUT certificates.

Investigate the laws about vehicle permits carefully before heading out with your trailer. This will minimize the inconveniences that you face through the journey. Learn more about overweight permits today. 
